Hello again everyone. This is my last blog post. Writing blog posts have improved so many abilities of me. First of all, my imagination has improved so much. Also, I felt relieved while writing about my opinions and thoughts. My Current Issues in ELT course was very fun to attend. I tried to do my best while preparing materials for this course. Also, this course improved my creativity. To be honest, some of the assignments were hard. But I think it was better this way because we have to confront much more difficult tasks in the future. My favourite task was preparing flipped teaching videos. We prepared this task both visually and auditory and it was fun to do. I also liked preparing AR/VR teaching material. Introducing Rome to the students was entertaining. My advice to the students who will take this course next year is that they must be creative and open-minded to the innovations. I, personally feel that my creativity has improved and I have learned a lot of sources to prepare teaching materials. Thank you all for joining me in my adventure! And I am grateful to Gökçe Hoca for offering us so many opportunities. I hope I can manage to improve myself continously.